
All services include a basic health check, ears, eyes, coat and skin condition and any abrasions and matting. A decision made as to how to proceed.

A full groom includes the following:

  • A brush out and undercoat removal prior to bathing, if required.
  • A hydrobath, using a choice of shampoos including Tea Tree, Aloe Vera, Chamomile and Comfrey etc.
  • Anal Glands checked and expressed if necessary.
  • Blow dry and groom out.
  • Excess undercoat is removed at this stage to help prevent future matting and moulting.
  • Nails, paws, hair between the pads and sanitary areas and ears will be checked, cleaned, trimmed and plucked, as necessary.

Your dog will then be trimmed, clipped and scissored or an all over clip down.

A coat conditioner, deodoriser will then be applied, leaving your pet smelling sweet.

All on an “if required” basis.
